Sunday, September 6, 2009

Thoughts on Crossdressing by Terri

Why do I cross dress? That is a complicated and emotionally charged question. I can't say for sure what "caused" me to begin cross dressing, other than to say I have always been fascinated with lingerie and panties in particular. I have never had gay or bisexual sex and I do not find men in the least bit sexually attractive. I have never gone out in public fully dressed, probably because of a combination of fear and shame. I have a high profile job at which I am very successful and I am generally regarded by those I work with as a "man's man". I do not believe that anyone who knows me would guess that I secretly dress in panties, stockings, high heels, and lingerie and I think it would profoundly change their opinion of me if they were to find out. That may in and of itself be part of the allure of being a secret cross dresser, the adrenaline rush of going out wearing panties under my man clothes and risking getting "caught". I do go through long periods where I don't dress, so the dressing is not all consuming, but I feel so sexy and decadent while dressed that it is a bit addicting and I really do enjoy it. 

I hope this enlightens you a bit on why I do this, and will gladly answer any question that may be generated by my "confession".
